Published Papers
[1] Trade and Technology Adoption in Distorted Economies
(Journal of International Economics, July 2024 - with F. Farrokhi & H. Pellegrina)
[Abstract] [published version] [slides]
This paper examines how labor market imperfections distort firm-level technology choices and alter the gains from trade in developing countries. Motivated by evidence that firms using modern technologies are disproportionately exposed to labor market distortions, we introduce firm-level technology choices and labor market distortions into an otherwise standard quantitative trade model. We then provide formulas for the welfare and labor productivity gains from trade liberalization, highlighting the role of distortions and technology choice. Our quantitative analysis reveals that labor market distortions provide a possible explanation for the inefficiently low levels of modern technology adoption in developing countries. Moreover, labor market distortions erode one-third of the potential labor productivity gains from trade liberalization among low-income countries.
[2] Profits, Scale Economies, and the Gains from Trade and Industrial Policy
(American Economic Review, October 2023 - with V. Lugovskyy)
[Abstract] [published version] [online appendix] [slides]
This paper examines the efficacy of second-best trade restrictions at correcting sectoral misallocation due to scale economies or profit-generating markups. To this end, we characterize optimal trade and industrial policies in an important class of quantitative trade models with scale effects and profits, estimating the structural parameters that govern policy outcomes. Our estimates reveal that standalone trade policy measures are remarkably ineffective at correcting misallocation, even when designed optimally. Unilateral adoption of corrective industrial policies is also ineffective due to immiserizing growth effects. But industrial policies coordinated internationally via a deep agreement are more transformative than any unilateral policy alternative.
[3] Can Trade Taxes be a Major Source of Government Revenue?
(Journal of the European Economic Association, October 2021, lead article)
[Abstract] [published version] [Slides] [replication files]
The tariff-for-revenue argument has been invoked repeatedly in recent years to justify protectionism. It is motivated by the belief that a country with market power can use trade taxes to raise revenue from foreign consumers and producers. This paper develops a new sufficient statistics methodology to evaluate this claim for a wide range of countries. I show that (a) even large countries have limited market power. (b) So, before retaliation by trading partners, the average country can beneficially replace only 16% of its domestic tax revenues with trade taxes. (c) After retaliation, however, 50% of the collected trade tax revenues disappear, governments are forced to increase domestic taxes to counter their shrinking tax base, and real GDP drops across-the-board by an average of 7%. On the flip side, these findings indicate (d) the gains from multilateral trade agreements are also 30% larger once we account for the fiscal cost of trade wars.
[4] The Cost of a Global Tariff War: A Sufficient Statistics Approach
(Journal of International Economics, July 2021)
[Abstract] [published version] [slides] [replication files] [online appendix]
Tariff wars have reemerged as a serious threat to the global economy. Yet measuring the prospective cost of a global tariff war remains computationally prohibitive, unless we restrict attention to a small set of countries and industries. This paper develops a new methodology that measures the cost of a global tariff war in one simple step as a function of observable shares, industry-level trade elasticities, and markup wedges. Applying this methodology to data on 44 countries and 56 industries, I find that (i) the prospective cost of a global tariff war has more-than-doubled over the past fifteen years, with small downstream economies being the most vulnerable. (ii) Meanwhile, due to the rise of global markup distortions, the potential gains from cooperative tariff policies have also elevated to unprecedented levels.
[5] Weight-Based Quality Specialization
(Journal of International Economics, November 2020)
[Abstract] [published version]
This paper uncovers a new type of quality specialization that occurs along the physical weight margin. To this end, I document that (i) there is great heterogeneity in the unit weight of traded goods even within narrowly-defined product categories; (ii) heavier varieties of the same product are more costly to produce; (iii) heavier varieties exhibit (on average) a higher product appeal or quality; and (v) the cost of transportation increases more rapidly with unit weight than the cost of production. These observations indicate that suppliers face a basic quality-cost trade-off when choosing their output unit weight. As a result of this trade-off, high-wage economies specialize in heavier varieties of a given good, while geographically distant economies specialize in lighter varieties (i.e., weight-based quality specialization). Micro-level trade data support these predictions and suggest that weight-based quality specialization can explain a significant portion of the cross-national variation in export prices and export quality. Moreover, accounting for the heterogeneity in export unit weights yields support for the iceberg trade cost assumption, which has proven to be elusive in the past.
[6] Discrete Trade
(Journal of International Economics, September 2020)
[Abstract] [published version] [replication files]
International quality specialization (IQS) and pricing-to-market (PTM) are two of the most studied phenomena in international trade. I present new evidence that PTM and IQS are significantly more pronounced in discrete industries that involve indivisible consumption goods. In light of this observation, I develop a generalized model of international trade that accommodates both discrete and continuous industries. Using this general framework, I argue that IQS and PTM in discrete industries are magnified by (i) affordability constraints, and (ii) cross-country differences in the price of non-traded services. These predictions find strong support from micro-level trade data. Furthermore, I show that the unique forces underlying discrete trade shed fresh light on the gains from trade and the “big-push” effects of globalization.
[7] Within-Industry Specialization and Global Market Power
(American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2020)
[Abstract] [published version] [replication files]
Export price levels exhibit tremendous cross-national and spatial variation, even within narrowly-defined industries. Standard theories attribute this variation to within-industry quality specialization. This paper argues that a significant portion of the export price variation is driven by rich and remote economies specializing in high-market power, high-returns-to-scale segments of industries. I also argue that this particular pattern of specialization (i) accounts for 30% of the overall gains from trade, and (ii) explains more than 37% of the observed cross-national income inequality.
Working Papers
[1] Can Trade Policy Mitigate Climate Change?
(revise & resubmit Econometrica - with F. Farrokhi)
Trade policy is often cast as a solution to the free-riding problem in international climate agreements. This paper examines the extent to which trade policy can deliver on this promise. We incorporate global supply chains of carbon and climate externalities into a multi-country, multi-industry general equilibrium model of trade. By deriving theoretical formulas for optimal carbon and border taxes, we quantify the maximum efficacy of two trade policy solutions to the free-riding problem. First, we show that border taxes, when used as non-contingent, indirect mechanisms for carbon taxation, have limited potential to mitigate global emissions even under optimal design. However, Nordhaus’s (2015) climate club framework, in which border taxes are used as contingent penalties to deter free-riding, is highly effective. The climate club can achieve up to 69% of the emissions reduction under globally optimal carbon pricing, while ensuring global participation and maintaining free trade. This success depends on major economic powers like the U.S., E.U., and China forming an initial alliance of core members and leveraging their collective trade penalties to compel participation by reluctant governments.
[2] A Global Perspective on the Incidence of Monopoly Distortions
(June 2024 – with S. Ding & V. Lugovskyy)
We develop a method to measure the incidence of monopolistic markup distortions in the global econ- omy. Using semi-parametric formulas, we measure how trade modifies the deadweight loss of markups through two channels: (1) trade-induced change in markup dispersion, and (2) international rent-shifting. The latter, which has received less attention in the literature, constitutes zero-sum welfare effects similar to implicit tariffs that tilt the terms of trade in favor of countries exporting high-markup goods. To measure these effects, we estimate firm-level markups globally using demand-based and cost-based methods and compile new data on global profit ownership. Our findings reveal that trade has greatly reshaped the global incidence of monopoly distortions, reducing the deadweight loss of markups for high-income countries by 15% while increasing it by 44% among low-income nations. These asymmetric effects are primarily due to international rent-shifting and represent a 8% implicit tariff imposed by high-income countries on low-income partners. These findings are robust to accounting for global input-output linkages and fixed investment costs. Our results challenge the prevailing view that high-income countries have made disproportionately greater concessions under existing trade agreements. We show that rent-shifting externalities can be effectively mitigated through additional preferential tariff concessions under the WTO or a globally coordinated destination tax on profits.
[3] The Cost of Dissolving the WTO: The Role of Global Value Chains
(last version: April 2020 - with M. Beshkar)
As trade agreements face renewed pressure, we show that the rise of global value chains has multiplied the value of trade agreements to unprecedented levels. We cast our argument using a non-parametric neoclassical trade model that accommodates global input-output networks and nests a wide class of quantitative trade models as a special case. To guide our analysis, we derive analytic formulas for optimal non-cooperative trade taxes in this general framework. These formulas predict the extent of trade restriction if global trade agreements were to dissolve. Mapping these formulas to data, we quantify the value of trade agreements for various countries. We find that the disintegration of existing trade agreements will erase 30% of the overall gains from trade, which amounts to a $2.8 trillion loss in global GDP. Around 46% of this value is driven by the agreements’ facilitation of global value chains.
[4] Interdependence of Trade Policies in General Equilibrium
(last version: June 2020 - with M. Beshkar)
If governments are banned from using certain trade policy instruments, they may resort to other instruments to compensate for their lost policy space. The welfare effects of trade policy reforms, therefore, depend critically on the interdependence of various policy instruments at the governments’ disposal. Using a multi-industry general-equilibrium Ricardian trade model we find that: (i) Restricting export subsidies/taxes leads to trade liberalization, but restricting import tariffs in isolation has no such effect; (ii) If export subsidies are already restricted, negotiated tariff cuts in a subset of industries lead to unilateral cuts in other industries; and (iii) A free trade agreement that precludes the use of trade taxes may lead to the adoption of wasteful trade barriers by welfare-maximizing governments. Fitting our model to trade data for 40 major countries, we show that these effects are quantitatively significant.
Work in Progress
[1] The Climate Cost of Trade Agreements(with F. Farrokhi)
[2] Non-Parametric Markup Correction(with J. Bernstein & H. Firooz)